How to Hang Grasscloth Wallpaper

Before you place an order, we recommend you familiarize yourself with the hanging process to prepare and arrange for an installer. While it is possible to use a DIY method, properly completing a grasscloth wallpaper installation requires expertise and we advise that you work with a professional who knows how to hang grasscloth wallpaper. You can find an expert through The Wallcovering Installers Association.

Always have your installer follow the instructions that come with the product, as there may be slight variations depending on the grasscloth wallpaper you plan to install, and the particular weave, roll length, paper width, and installation space will all play a factor in how to put up the grasscloth wallpaper so that it looks perfect and lasts over time.

Although we advise you to partner with a professional, we have put together this general guide to grasscloth wallpaper installation so that you can gain an understanding of the process and what might be required. Read along to find out how to install grasscloth wallpaper.  


Side by side images of grasscloth hanging materials including a bag of tools and cutting table


How to complete a grasscloth wallpaper installation

    Preparing for the installation can be the most important step. Before you begin the hanging process, make sure you have stored your wallpaper rolls in a room that is a similar temperature to the desired install space with low humidity for at least 24 hours. As a natural product, grasscloth needs time to adjust to changing environmental conditions to achieve the best installation result. 


    Side by side images of grasscloth hanging materials including buckets of wallpaper paste and cut rolls of paperweave wallcoverings



    1. Planning the layout of your grasscloth wallpaper installation 

    Regardless of the installation method, grasscloth wallpaper seams will be visible–it's the nature of the textural surface of this wallcovering. Keeping that in mind, you’ll need to plan out your panel installation to make these seams as subtle as possible, and this can be achieved in the planning and mapping phase before you cut or paste any paper.

    The main objective is to avoid having narrow panels on one side of the wall. This can happen if, for example,  you start on the left side with 36-inch wide panels and work your way to the right. You could risk ending with a 4-inch strip which will create visual contrast and draw attention. When installing grasscloth wallpaper, no seams should be closer together than half the width of a full panel.

    Start by finding the center of the wall and work your way out from there. You can either cut the panels down to a slightly shorter width so that they fit an even amount, or you can start in the middle and have one panel on each end that is only slightly shorter than the rest. This allows the smaller panels to fit evenly while blending in because of a visual illusion that makes them appear roughly the same size as the rest. 

    Be extra careful during this part of the process, and don’t cut panels more than half the width of the original bolt–you don’t want to wind up with too many vertical lines in your grasscloth wallpaper installation, as this can be visually distracting. 


    2. Cleaning the walls 

    Once you have the panels mapped out for your grasscloth wallpaper installation, you will need to clean the surface of the walls to remove any bumps and dirt that can add textural irregularities to the surface, or prevent adhesive from sticking. Remove any old wallpaper and repair any damaged areas. Wash plaster walls with a a zinc sulfate solution. After washing the walls, you can use a primer that matches the background of your wallpaper. For plaster, we recommend Romans Ultra Premium Pro 977, and for drywall we recommend Shields Primer/Sealer.


    3. Draw guiding lines 

    Using a plumb line to draw vertical lines (or a laser level if you don’t want to mark up the walls) from the top to the bottom of the wall that you can use as references when you glue the panels to the wall. These lines need to match whatever mapping and planning you completed in step one.



    Inside a room facing a wall with green laser lines for placing wallpaper and a ladder 


    3. Cut strips to length

    Cut your panels to match the height of the wall, keeping 2 inches extra on the top and the bottom that will get trimmed at the end. When installing, consider alternating the panels from top-to-bottom and bottom to top to avoid any shading or fading in the natural texture. 


     Side by side image of man leaning over a table to cut grasscloth wallpaper


    4. Paste and hang one panel at a time

    In this step, you will learn how to apply grasscloth wallpaper to the wall. At twenty2 Grasscloth, we recommend installing our collection using a standard clear wallpaper paste like Roman’s Ultra Premium Clear Pro 880.This is the best wallpaper paste for grasscloth, but it does require experience which is why we reiterate the importance of working with a professional for your grasscloth wallpaper installation. 

    Apply the adhesive to the back of the wallpaper, one panel strip at a time. Fold each end of the strip toward the middle to book the paper (pasted sides together) and oll the folded strip, being careful to keep the edges aligned. Let it rest for 3 minutes. Then you can bring it to the wall and hang the paper, smoothing out the air pockets or wrinkles. Repeat this step for each strip. Be careful to never get any glue or water on the front face of the surface, as it will stain.


     A side by side image of a man using a roller to apply paste to grasscloth wallpaper and a close up of a pre-pasted roll


    6. Complete the next wall

    After you have completed all the panels on one wall, move on to the next wall in your grasscloth wallpaper installation and repeat the above steps.


     A man standing on a ladder hanging grasscloth wallpaper


    7. Trim

    Once every wall has been installed, you can go back and trim the excess paper on the floor and ceiling to make an even cut with a sharp knife. This will conclude your grasscloth wallpaper installation.


     Side by side images of grasscloth wallpaper being trimmed at the seams


    Grasscloth Wallpaper Installation FAQ


    Is grasscloth wallpaper hard to install?

    Yes, grasscloth is challenging to install and requires expertise in the process. At twenty2 Grasscloth, we strongly recommend hiring a professional wallpaper hanger to ensure that your product is installed correctly. Make sure your professional verifies the amount of paper you will need before you place an order.


    Do my walls need to be smooth for grasscloth wallpaper?

    Any textural imperfections will show through as bumps and could also puncture a hole in the paper. We advise that you clean your walls before your installation and remove all dust and bumps. 


    How do you smooth grasscloth wallpaper?

    After you have adhered the wallpaper to the wall, you will be able to remove any air pockets by using a wallpaper squeegee or a smoothing brush to gently smooth out the paper. Additionally, if you are using the method where you add the paste to the wall rather than the paper, the process of gently wetting the back of the grasscloth can help to smooth it out before hanging.


    Are you supposed to see the seams in Grasscloth wallpaper?

    Yes, the seams of grasscloth wallpaper are supposed to show. We consider this one of the beautiful features of this textural product. This is part of why it is so important to plan your panels properly before doing any hanging–with visible seams, every mistake or installation choice will be apparent.

    However, some customers may be looking for a more minimal look and ask how you hide grasscloth seams. While this isn’t possible, some patterns show the seams more prominently than others. Grasscloth wallpapers with distinct horizontal weaves, like sisal, jute, arrowroot, or abaca will have a more emphasized seam look. But any paper that is basket-woven with a weave in both directions, like our standard or Japanese paperweaves, will have seams that get lost in the pattern

    Two walls and the ceiling meet covered in paperweave grasscloth wallpaper


    What is the best adhesive for grasscloth?

    We recommend using a standard clear wallpaper paste as the adhesive for grasscloth wallpaper, like Romans Pro-880.


    If you are interested in purchasing grasscloth or want to learn more about the installation process, product features, and options available, explore our shop or reach out to a knowledgeable member of our team.